Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How to Read, Examine and Understand the Bible III

Heading into our first principle of reading and examining Spirit-breathed Scripture in such a way that we are assured of understanding the "spiritual words" that we read, it is essential that we embrace the following declaration from Apostle Paul...

But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God...he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. 1 Cor 2:14 NASU
It's absolutely a prerequisite for us to understand God's Word, that you and I are sold on this truth.  We must embrace wholeheartedly, without reservation, that God's Word is spiritual and the natural man doesn't have the first clue about it.  The natural man can read, reread, re-reread, and read again the Scriptures and still not gain any understanding of what he reads.  The natural man can meditate on the Word and be found just as dumbfounded about it as a 2 year old child.  The natural man can study the Word and still be as perplexed as a monkey about the intention of the Writer of the Scriptures.  The natural man can pray as he reads the Word and still be as confused as a lion paralyzed by the 3-legs of a lion-tamers stool.

Embracing this weakness of the natural man is called humility.  It cuts directly against the arrogance of the flesh, but agrees one hundred percent with the Spirit's position on understanding His Word.  The flesh is in opposition to the Spirit
(Rom 8:7), disagreeing with the Spirit of God along every point of our journey.  But, humility is the position to receive grace (James 4:6).  You and I can't receive grace-given unless we are humble in our heart.  God gives grace, only to the humble, but, to the proud He does not give grace, but rather, He resists them (1 Peter 5:5).

So, now you might say, "Ok, I can't understand God's word, but God fully expects me to understand God's word (Mark 12:24)...where do I go from here?"  Where you go depend completely on the Holy Spirit to give you understanding, to illuminate the Word to you, to teach you and give you understanding of His words.

"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things... John 14:26 NASU

This Scripture leads us directly to Principle #1...

Listen to the Voice of the Holy Spirit as You Read God's Word

Every other principle that I'll share in later posts about gaining understanding of God's word, has one purpose, and one purpose only, and that is to put us in the best position to hear clearly the voice of the Holy Spirit teaching us about His own words.

If you want to understand God's thoughts, the Holy Spirit must teach them to you because He's the only One that knows God's thoughts...

"...the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God."  1 Cor 2:11 NASU
So, as you read the Bible, be sure to ask, believing for, the Holy Spirit to teach you.  Let me assure you, if you ask, believing and not doubting, for the Holy Spirit to teach you His word, He will do just that.  Just be sure to listen to His voice as you read.  He has never, never let me down...nor has the Holy Spirit disappointed any man throughout history regarding this principle.  Stay tuned for additional tips on understanding God's word!

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