Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How to Read, Examine and Understand the Bible II

I'm challenged in my own walk by the "in your face" words of Jesus and Apostle Paul as they "got up in the grill" of people who apparently didn't read (or listen to) the Scriptures, or didn't understand what they were reading/hearing.  Listen to these prodding questions...

Jesus said to them, "Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?" Mark 12:24 NASU

"Have you not even read this Scripture:..." Mark 12:10 NASU

Rom 11:2 Or do you not know what the Scripture says in the passage about Elijah... Rom 11:2 NASU
How important is it to you (1) to read God's word and (2) to understand what you are reading?  Both Jesus and Paul believed that people should take reading and understanding God's word, very seriously.  Why?  Why was this so important to Jesus and Paul, that they actually confronted people about their lackadaisical approach to handling the word?

One of many passages in the Bible that God has used to transform my life was the account of the Jesus and His disciples visiting Mary and Martha's house (Luke 10:38-42).  Martha is running around like a mad woman, trying to get a meal and the house ready for company while Mary is sitting down at Jesus' feet, just listening to every word that falls from His lips.  Martha gets quite irate with her sister...probably thinking that Mary is trying to get out of doing some housework.  So, Martha pleads with Jesus to get Mary off her duff, so that she can lighten the load.  But, Jesus tells Martha that she's not seeing things in the right perspective.  In fact, He describes what Mary's doing...sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to His voice...as the "one thing...necessary."  Imagine that!  There is "one thing...necessary" in our daily walk, and that "one thing" is to sit "at the Lord's feet and" listen "to His word."

In other passages in the New Testament, we are admonished to "walk by the Spirit," to be "led by the Spirit," and so on.  We are exhorted to "pray at all times."  These are passages that give us guidance on how to live our lives.  We are to live daily by listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and walking in His counsel, His leading. 

The newbie to the faith might ask, "How can I tell what the Holy Spirit's voice sounds like?  Or, which voice is the Holy Spirit?"  Well, that's what makes reading and understanding God's word so significant to our lives.  See, the Holy Spirit will never give counsel that is contrary to the word of God, because "all Scripture is God-breathed" and God isn't confused or schizophrenic.  The Bible says that He is "the same yesterday, today and forever."  What the Holy Spirit said to the authors of the Bible, He is still saying today!

So, reading and understanding the Bible help us to discern the voice of God in our hearts.  Can you see now, just how important reading and understanding God's word is to your life?  Can you see why Jesus and Paul put such a serious tone to the necessity of spending time in the word?  Can you see why it could be so very important for you to learn how to read, examine and understand God's word?  Good, stay tuned!

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