Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Walking in Your Identity

For most of our lives we identify ourselves by our first, middle and last name.  If someone were to walk up to you and say, "Who are you?" most likely, your knee-jerk reaction would be to respond, "My name is..."  You might say, "What's wrong with that?"

It's interesting to me that as believers in Jesus Christ, and His Word, that we settle for identifying ourselves according to what our temporal parents with their finite wisdom selected as our name.  What alternative is available to us regarding identifying ourselves?  The alternative is to make the wise choice to seek out in God's Word how He has chosen to identify us in His ETERNAL, infinite wisdom.

Another trap that we fall into when attempting to identify ourselves is to identify ourselves according to what we do.  "I'm a surgeon...I'm a carpenter...I'm a housewife, etc"  My question to you is this...how does God identify us in His Word?  I'm not going to answer the question on this post.  It's better for you to search the Word of God and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit to discover what God has to say about this subject.  How does God identify you?

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