Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kennebec County - Cry Out America

Today, pastors from 7 different churches and attendees from 10 different churches gathered at the steps of Kennebec County Superior Court on the 7th anniversary of the horrendous, Satanic attacks by Islamic terrorists on our nation.  We gathered to remember that immediately following the attack there was this measurable desperation in our hearts as we ran to God.  But this day, 7 years later, we gathered at the steps where justice is dispensed and cried out to God for mercy upon our county and our nation, for having returned back to "business as usual."  It didn't take long for our nation to forget about God and resume life as it was pre-9/11.  So, we gathered to repent of our own sins and to identificationally repent of the sins of our county and our nation, and to cry out for revival in our land.

The Awakening America Alliance, a coalition of like-minded ministries, denominations, and Christian leaders, exhorted the body of Christ to gather as a solemn assembly at the county courthouse steps in the 3,141 counties throughout the U.S. to fast and pray, and cry out for revival in the spirit of Joel 1:14.

Joel 1:14
Consecrate a fast,
Proclaim a solemn assembly;
Gather the elders
And all the inhabitants of the land
To the house of the Lord your God,
And cry out to the Lord.  NASU
God assures us that if we, His people, called by His name, will humble ourselves and pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, He will hear us, forgive us and heal our land.  Our desire was to see God begin to heal our land.  Heal our land of what, you might ask.

Over 50 million babies have been slaughtered in the womb of pregnant women since Roe v. Wade.  There are so many women out there that have made this horrific, sinful choice and they are now overwhelmed with guilt, shame and a multitude of other life-debilitating issues.  There is an entire generation of men and women that are not with us today because they never got the chance to take their first breath out of the womb.  Innocent, indefensible, weak, and vulnerable, they were destroyed before they could dream, before they could love, before they could look in their mother's eyes, before they could hold hands and stare in the eyes of their future mate.

Our prisons and jails are overfilled with the mentally ill and the drug addicted.  The church has reneged on one of its God-mandated minister to the poor, and so our government has had to step up and fill in the gap.  Child abuse, spouse abuse, child pornography, middle school and high school teachers sexually abusing their students, soft porn on prime time TV, embryonic stem cell research, gay marriage, etc, etc...

The Church is in need of an awakening.  It is NOT hopeless, because Christ is still Lord of all.  He has entrusted the Church with the authority and the power (through the baptism of the Holy Spirit...Acts 1:8), to face the enemy and destroy him and set the captives free.  God is innocent, the blame is upon those who know better, those who have the equipment (the Holy Spirit) to do something about it.  Let us rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit and walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit to walk in our destiny as God has established it for us!

This is why we repent of our lethargy, our lukewarmness, our doubting and unbelief.  Let us move forward in faith, knowing that Father leads the way!

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