Thursday, May 14, 2009

How to Read, Examine and Understand the Bible IV

Again, just as a reminder, as we delve deeper into this...the rest of these principles on growing in "How to Read, Examine and Understand the Bible" are simply to assist us in hearing the Holy Spirit as we read God's Word, which is our first and foundational principle.

The rest of the principles address the "how to's" of Apostle Paul's fatherly exhortation to his spiritual son and protege, Timothy...
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."  2 Tim 2:15  NASU
Now, this exhortation is a clear instruction to Timothy that skimming over God's word is insufficient.  In fact, Paul relentlessly presses the point of a labor-intensive approach towards the word of God.  You cannot read this verse and come away persuaded that a lackadaisical effort of perusing the Bible will suffice.  Paul uses terms like "diligent...approved...a workman...accurately handling" to describe his expectation of his son, Timothy, in regards to examining the Scriptures.  By listening in to Paul's fatherly counsel, we should be getting a sense that the Holy Spirit is leading us to take a painstaking approach to God's word, as well.  Let me ask this how you are approaching the word of God?

The word of God is clear...diligent people will prosper (Prov 10:4), rule (Prov 12:24), have an abundance (Prov 13:4), and have an advantage (Prov 21:5).  The opposite of diligence is laziness.  Scripture says that the lazy will be poor (Prov 10:4; Prov 21:5), be enslaved (Prov 12:24), and receive nothing (Prov 13:4).

Let us be children of the King...a people who prosper, rule, have an abundance, and have the advantage.  Let us be a diligent people...ambassadors of a diligent Kingdom...diligent in our workman-like attitude towards examining the Word of God.  The Spirit of God is already working this in you (Philippians 2:13)'s as simple as surrendering to the work of the Holy Spirit in your inner man.

Do you have a question about life?  Do you wonder how to parent or relate with your spouse?  Would you like to know how to handle the finances that God has blessed you with?  Would you like favor with your neighbors or a promotion at work?  How about, would you like to know who God is and who you are?  All these answers, and more, are found in the Bible.  Life-changing, destiny-changing, world-changing wisdom is deep in God's word.  It's just sitting there waiting to be mined.  It simply takes someone who will listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit as he digs, and digs, and digs until the treasures of God's wisdom are found.

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